Please ensure that you are well-informed about your responsibilities and obligations for electrical testing and tagging. Visit some of the links below to learn more from Government and independent bodies. Standards Australia: Workcover Victoria: Energy Safe Victoria :
Archive by Author
Why Carry Out Thermal Imaging?
Detect Problem Areas Before the Real Problems Occur In production plants, office facilities, hospitals or hotels, an infrared camera instantly makes hot spots visible on a clear thermal image. You can scan electrical cabinets and components and survey multiple wires and connections to get an instant picture of potential trouble. Detect the problem area and […]
Changes to the Australian Standard 3760:2010
Changes to the Australian Standard 3760:2010, Recently the AS/NZS3760 “In service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment” Standard has been updated. Some key areas are worth noting as they affect the information required on your test tags. Information printed on test tags – AS/NZS 3760:2010 now states and specifies that the test tag must […]